Blown Away

Blown Away Extreme Heat
Series 4 on Netflix, March 8th, 2024

Appearing on Netflix’s Blown Away Season 4 granted me the opportunity to share my passion for how to live your spirit! I love an adventure; I live my life by doing what I love. Raised close to the earth, I was taught to respect it by my naturalist father; all my artwork is inspired by my love of nature.
The experience of spreading my love of glass around the world has taught me to embrace new places and new people. I believe that it is important to step out of one’s comfort zone and push our limits to promote personal growth. I won’t lie, I was challenged by the brutal heat in the first few Blown Away episodes. At times it was completely debilitating and felt more like struggling to survive than making glass sculpture!

As I have been a member of the global glass community for the past forty years, I knew most of my fellow cast mates before going on Blown Away. Interacting with the crew on set and my cast mates was so much fun. I loved the camera and the lights; they brought out my playful and joyous self. I have the highest respect for Katherine Gray, she is an exceptional artist and Heart Hunter Marsh was warm and welcoming, seemingly born for his role! I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to be a part of the Blown Away family and to share with everyone my love for life, mother nature and glass sculpting.